Category: Uncategorized

Transformers: Robots in Disguise: Dark Cybertron: Death of a Hero: Is It Over Yet?

If I went back in time 20 years to tell my young self that in the future Transformers comics would still be around and that my  young self’s favorite character Shockwave would be conquering the entire universe with mad science in in a multiple ongoing  Transformers comic book Event, well little me would be very …

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Are You Ready for Toy Fair 2014?

It’s that time of year again – no, not Valentine’s Day, it’s Toy Fair! This weekend is going to be a non-stop deluge of new toy news, so to make sure you’re on top of it here are a few of the best people to follow and places to check: Twitter feeds: Ben Yee at …

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One Foot In The Dead Universe: IU Talks to John Barber and James Roberts

Now that Dark Cybertron is well and underway, we here at Iacon Underground were fortunate enough to get to ask IDW writers John Barber and James Roberts some questions about the series so far and both Robots in Disguise and More Than Meets The Eye going forward! IU: Thank you both so much for taking the time to …

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Jagex Updates With Transformers Universe Trailer

So what do you think? Are you excited to play it as a MOBA? Do you like seeing the Prime aesthetic alive and kicking, or does it feel over now? Are you, like me, still mourning the loss of character creation?

Jagex Provides Transformers Universe Update, Still Not MMORPG

An email went out today to those signed up for beta access to Transformers Universe, the MMO first unveiled as an RPG with character creation at BotCon 2011 but later changed to a MOBA. After the initial limited beta, there was very little said about the game for months. According to Jagex CEO Mark Gerhard: …

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Marvel Retrospective II: “Power Play!”, “Prisoner of War!”, and “The Last Stand”

This is the second in a series of articles re-visiting Marvel’s version of Transformers, covering the 80 issues released in America and the 4-issue miniseries “The Headmasters.” Images are scanned from my personal copies of each comic. Over the course of the rest of the original 4-issue miniseries, plot points similar to the cartoon’s “More …

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Marvel Retrospective I: “The Transformers”

This is the first in what will hopefully be a series of articles re-visiting Marvel’s version of Transformers, covering the 80 issues released in America and the 4-issue miniseries “The Headmasters.” Images are scanned from my personal copies of each comic. It was a world transformed. In 1984, Marvel comics began a series of comics …

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More Than Meets Some Haikus!

[Ed. Note: I come from a fanzine background, so I love highlighting not just news but creative work as well. So have some haikus from our contributor Windchaser!] Cyclonus the grump. Can’t deal with emotions. Tears face in grief. Robot Tailgate So old, yet so very young. New horn seals friendship With amnesia Skids has …

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IDW “After The Dark…” Teaser Images Reveal HUGE Twist

  Over on their Tumblr, IDW’s been tossing out teaser images for what comes after Dark Cybertron with the “After The Dark…” tagline. The first one, with Optimus Prime (or possibly still Orion Pax?) over a planet that looks suspiciously like Earth, was a bit of a surprise after IDW swore off Earth-based stories a …

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Wiki Wednesday: Foo

Pity him. Seriously, though, he was in Headmasters, so he probably deserves your pity.