Stasis Pod Episode 48: Crossing the Rubicon

Blackarachnia’s experimentation with the Transmetal driver causes her Predacon shell programming to degrade, forcing her to make a dire choice: let Rhinox attempt to remove it, or slowly lapse into madness and eventually death. But the Predacons won’t let go of their former comrade so easily! Can Rhinox carry out some super 90s VR surgery to save her even while the base is under attack? Is Tarantulas the worst, or is he THE WORST? And what exactly is a “Rubicon” anyway? We’ll discuss all this and more in this week’s episode, Crossing the Rubicon!

We want to hear your questions! Email us at and we might answer them on the show!

Stasis Pod
Stasis Pod
Stasis Pod Episode 48: Crossing the Rubicon

Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 10 – Toys Toys Toys

This week we talk all the toy news from BotCon, the proper identification of Technobots, and getting lots of head(s)!

Iacon Underground Radio
Iacon Underground Radio
Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 10 – Toys Toys Toys

Stasis Pod Episode 47: Go with the Flow

Megatron’s latest superweapon is so unstable that he needs an organic creature to finish building it. Fortunately he knows just where to get one! But can the Maximals’ little proto-human buddy Una really be trusted to follow instructions? Can Rattrap and Depth Charge rescue her before Megatron decides she’s dispensable? And did Cheetor seriously just criticize violent cartoons in a violent cartoon? Join us this week as we Go with the Flow!

We want to hear your questions! Email us at and we might answer them on the show!

Stasis Pod
Stasis Pod
Stasis Pod Episode 47: Go with the Flow

Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 9 – Recaps in Disguise

This week we talk Technobots, Mini-Con headcanons, and Robots in Disguise season 2 so far!

Iacon Underground Radio
Iacon Underground Radio
Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 9 – Recaps in Disguise

Stasis Pod Episode 46: Proving Grounds

Convinced that Optimus Primal and Rhinox are planning to reprogram her into a Maximal against her will, Blackarachnia runs away from the base to consider her choices. But she’s not alone in the forest – Dinobot’s clone finds her, and a fight is on! Who’ll win a one-on-one between the Predacon deserter and the creepy clone of a Predacon deserter? Who decided to make Silverbolt her commanding officer? And where are they on Earth, anyway? Join us as we discuss all this and more in Proving Grounds!

We want to hear your questions! Email us at and we might answer them on the show!

Stasis Pod
Stasis Pod
Stasis Pod Episode 46: Proving Grounds

Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 8 – Moral Quandaries

Spoilers ahoy as we talk More Than Meets the Eye #51!

Iacon Underground Radio
Iacon Underground Radio
Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 8 – Moral Quandaries

Stasis Pod Episode 45: Feral Scream Pt. 2

Cheetor “miraculously” survived being attacked by an ill-defined monster that’s totally not just him mutating into a terrible new form, but can he survive another round of weird dreams? Does Blackarachnia have some kind of snout fetish? And is somebody going to teach Cheetor to shave? Join us this week for the second half of cyber-puberty in Feral Scream pt. 2!

We want to hear your questions! Email us at and we might answer them on the show!

Stasis Pod
Stasis Pod
Stasis Pod Episode 45: Feral Scream Pt. 2

Stasis Pod Episode 44: Feral Scream Pt. 1

It’s been a long time since we’ve had an episode that revolved entirely around Cheetor being an idiot, but everyone’s second-least-favorite kid-appeal character is back to ruining everything again! Megatron captures a stasis pod with a blank protoform in order to make a clone of Dinobot using his new Transmetal 2™ technology! But when Cheetor tries to take down Megatron’s sweet evil device all by himself, will he succeed in anything but getting himself killed? Did the Maximals learn to aim from COBRA? And will Jen ever move past them misusing computer terms? Join us for the onset of robot puberty in Feral Scream pt. 1!

We want to hear your questions! Email us at and we might answer them on the show!

Stasis Pod
Stasis Pod
Stasis Pod Episode 44: Feral Scream Pt. 1

Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 7 – All of the Feels

This week, the crew is emotionally destroyed by More Than Meets The Eye #50. Warning: Spoilers and F-bombs abound!

Iacon Underground Radio
Iacon Underground Radio
Iacon Underground Radio – Episode 7 – All of the Feels

Stasis Pod Episode 43: Cutting Edge

When a family of protohumans is attacked by cyborg raptors with laser eyes, it’s up to the Maximals to take care of a pair of orphaned children and return them to their tribe! But who’s making cyborg raptors with laser eyes? (Spoilers: It’s Megatron.) Can Blackarachnia be trusted to lead them back home? (Spoilers: Yes, but she won’t be happy about it.) And can Megatron’s unrequited boner for Dinobot get any creepier? (Spoilers: Actually, yes.) Join us as Stasis Pod checks out the Cutting Edge!

We want to hear your questions! Email us at and we might answer them on the show!

Stasis Pod
Stasis Pod
Stasis Pod Episode 43: Cutting Edge