In Comic Shops This Week

TF_MTMTE_v7-prMore Than Meets The Eye Vol. 7

For those who prefer to wait for the trades to pick up MTMTE. Volume 7 includes the Days of Deception storyline that ran through issues #34-38.

Stasis Pod Episode 03: The Web

On to Episode 3 and The Web, the first of a seemingly coincidental Cheetor Is A Dumbass two-parter! Now that we’re past the pilot we get a good look at the extended cast, and this episode is our first good look at the super-creepy Predacon Tarantulas. Will Cheetor ever learn his lesson — or at the very least learn how to pronounce his own name?

Stasis Pod
Stasis Pod
Stasis Pod Episode 03: The Web

Stasis Pod Episode 02: Beast Wars Part 2

We’re back! Join us as we watch the second part of the two-part series pilot, creatively titled “Beast Wars Part 2”. Who will win as Dinobot challenges Optimus Primal? How will they fill up the rest of the episode? Will Trixter spoil stuff that doesn’t happen for like 33 more episodes? Will Cheetor ever figure out how to pronounce his own name?

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Stasis Pod
Stasis Pod Episode 02: Beast Wars Part 2

Stasis Pod: The Beast Wars Podcast Episode 01

And the other episode!

Stasis Pod
Stasis Pod
Stasis Pod: The Beast Wars Podcast Episode 01

Stasis Pod: The Beast Wars Podcast Episode 00

Just a quick repost of this for the sake of setting up an RSS feed!

Stasis Pod
Stasis Pod
Stasis Pod: The Beast Wars Podcast Episode 00

Introducing Stasis Pod: The Beast Wars Podcast!

We here at Iacon Underground do like things other than just More Than Meets The Eye. Every Wednesday, four of us – Trixter (Jen), awa64 (Alex), strangefour (David), and Rob – are getting together for a new podcast that discusses every episode of the groundbreaking Beast Wars TV series!

In Episode 00 we discus where Transformers as a franchise was in the waning days of Generation 2 (spoilers: in the gutter) and where we all were when everything changed from Trukk to Munky. In Episode 01 we take a look at the first part of the pilot episode on the anniversary of its first syndicated airing. How well has the show aged? How did the fandom react to it? What fun production trivia does Trix remember from long-ago BotCons? Just how awesome can Rob’s voice be? Listen on to find out, and drop back by every Wednesday as we discuss a new episode!

Stasis Pod Episode 00: Before the Beast Wars

Stasis Pod Episode 01: Beast Wars Part 1

Show Notes:

Iacon Underground Radio Network
Iacon Underground Radio Network
Introducing Stasis Pod: The Beast Wars Podcast!

MTMTE #39 Recap: The Permanent Revolution

TF_MTMTE_39_cvrRITarn discovers that Megatron has renounced the Decepticon cause! But will Decepticon rebel and DJD target Deathsaurus be willing to work with him to build a brave new future? How many Japanese G1 characters can you spot aboard his Warworld? And just how sad am I that Hellbat was wasted on Drift: Empire of Stone? (Spoilers: Very.)

It’s All Decepticon Justice Division All The Time in More Than Meets the Eye #39: The Permanent Revolution!

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MTMTE #38 Recap: Elegant Chaos, Part 3: [Title Redacted]

TF_MTMTE_38_cvrAThe Elegant Chaos arc reaches its end here. Five million years in the past Brainstorm stands before a half-finished Megatron, finger on the trigger, as Rodimus and the others rush to save reality as they know it by saving one of the universe’s greatest tyrants. In the present Megatron, Ultra Magnus, and Perceptor can only stand by and watch as the fate of their entire timeline plays out in the past.

Just what is Brainstorm thinking? Can Rodimus’s team stop him? And is Megatron even worth saving?

Spoilers ahoy!

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MTMTE #37 Recap: Elegant Chaos, Part 2: STET

TF_MTMTE_37_cvrAIt’s never easy to assess the middle chapter of a story. The potential of a setup is at least somewhat apparent, and a grand conclusion can sweep the audience away, but middle chapters can falter in so many ways that aren’t even apparent until the story reaches that grand conclusion. In the heat of the moment, sometimes you just have to settle for enjoying what is there, especially the character beats, until you can return with the benefit of foresight and do it all over again.

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MTMTE #36 Recap: All our parlous yesterdays – Elegant Chaos part 1

BaraRollerIt’s been mentioned elsewhere that sometimes not a whole lot happens in MTMTE. Don’t get me wrong, stuff happens, lots of it, feels and pain and sadness and funny stuff, but the plot, the overarching plot arch that Roberts has all penciled out somewhere is moving at a rather relaxed pace and this felt especially obvious with this one issue, which truly felt like a first part of a longer arch (which it is, I know).


Spoilers below.

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