In Stores Today – 9/25/2013


Seriously, though, this is another week that hits hard, with More Than Meets The Eye #21, Robots In Disguise #21, and Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters all in stores today. Brace yourself, maybe stock up on hard liquor, and get yourself to the comic shop! Then check back her for a spoiler-filled review of MTMTE!

UPDATE: Looks like your load has been lightened by one, as Robots In Disguise #21 has been delayed. Here’s hoping it shows up next week!

Amazon Updates With Official Pics of Generations Deluxes has updated their listings for the upcoming Deluxe toys of Skids, Goldfire, Waspinator, and Dreadwing from the Generations line to include official pictures! Each toy’s listing now shows the figure in package, in robot mode with the exclusive pack-in comic cover, and in vehicle mode. They also include what is most likely the package copy for each toy, which show a closer adherence to the IDW storyline than the blurbs we’ve had in this series so far: Skids’ mentions his amnesia, Goldfire’s mentions his struggle to lead a collapsing Cybertron, Waspinator’s mentions his time displacement, and Dreadwing’s… hints at some recent spoilers. No mention yet of what comics those new covers will be covering, though.

Click the links above to see more, including Dreadwing’s Generation 2-style Decepticon symbol and Skids’ Alex Milne nose!

TFCC Releases Mock-Up Images of Chromedome Figure

ChromedomeTFSSVehicleThough at this stage they’re just mock-ups, the Transformers Collectors’ Club has released images of the upcoming Subscription Service Chromedome figure. As we reported when the figure was first announced, it will have a head designed by Nick Roche and be available (along with Rewind!) as part of the second year of the Figure Subscription Service.

A picture of the robot mode and other toys planned for the Subscription Service are available on the TFCC web site.

Review: ReGeneration One #0 [Spoilers]

TF-REGEN_00_CVR_BWith Unicron killed and the Matrix spent, the universe as we know it has become unbalanced. Can a trip through time and space by Hot Rod set things right?

The big draw of the one-off ReGeneration One #0 is the assortment of artists assembled to send Hot Rod on his journey: Casey Coller, Geoff Senior, Jeff Anderson, Jose Delbo, Nick Roche, and Stephen Baskerville all contribute to make this issue a journey through the past in not just a narrative sense but a metafictional one as well. But is this one-off issue a must-have?

Spoiler warning: Yes.

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In Stores Today – 9/18/2013

Today the Comic Book Fairy brings us ReGeneration One #0, a one-shot special featuring an assortment of artists from throughout Transformers history, and the Robots in Disguise Vol. 4 trade.

Go say hi to your Local Comic Shop folks and gird yourself for next week’s tear duct-shattering More Than Meets The Eye #21!

TFCC Shows Off Mock-Up Pics of Thrustinator

Thrustinator ToyMore news on the Transformers Figure Subscription Service front today as Fun Publications has posted mock-up picks of “Thrustinator”, the BW Waspinator/BM Thrust mash-up who debuted in comic preview pages yesterday. Rather than being any sort of extensive remold of a newer Waspinator figure (the resources for which are generally out of bounds for club or convention figures), this is a redeco of the original BWII Dirgegun, which was an extensive retool of the original Waspinator toy. Thrustinator does feature a new head, itself a clear combination of the Beast Wars character and his Vehicon General alter-ego.


Amazon Japan Reveals High-Res Pics of G2 Masterpiece Sideswipe

G2Sideswipe1In their listing for the toy, Amazon Japan has posted some very clear, high-resolution pictures of the upcoming G2 version of Masterpiece Sideswipe. These photos are of a handpainted prototype of the toy, but they show him with his signature giant stubby guns, spiked tires, machete-sword, and best of all giant freaking sneer from Derek Yaniger‘s art in the Transformers: Generation 2 comic book.

More pictures of the toy, including his vehicle mode with both comic-based and toy-based stickers, can be found on Amazon Japan.






Comic scan courtesy

New TFCC Comic Pages Reveal Another TFSS Figure

ThrustinatorOver on the Transformers Club site today they posted 7 preview comic pages for an upcoming club comic, one of which reveals the identity of yet another TFSS 2.0 figure: Thrustinator, who seems to be a Waspinator character based on the BWII Dirgegun toy. There’s also a peek at the club’s version of Rewind and Chromedome, Treadshot, Ironfist, and some others, so it’s worth checking out.

TFCC Shows Off Rewind With New Head Sculpt For 2014

TFSSRewindPerhaps not a big surprise to anyone after they showed off the turnarounds for a Nick Roche-designed Chromedome head, the Transformers Collectors’ Club has unveiled another figure planned for the Subscription Service next year: Rewind!

The toy itself is based on the Transformers United Rumble and Frenzy toys, so no massive Deluxe-size Rewind towering over things.

The head sculpt was also designed by Nick Roche, and it’s very loyal to his MTMTE design including a little camera on the side of his helmet.

Sadly Fun Pub seems to be having trouble with their own site today, so if you want more information on this toy it’s off to their Facebook post with ya.

In Stores Today – 9/4/2013

…a big fat nothing.

Seriously, not even any super-limited graphic novels this time.

But if you’re going to the store there’s a big crazy X-Men event starting up, and something’s going on with DC’s villains, and Death’s Head fan Kieron Gillen’s creator-owned book Uber has an issue out today.

Or you could reread one of the three books that came out last week.