Tag: Beast Wars

Stasis Pod Episode 07: Fallen Comrades

The stasis pods are finally starting to fall from orbit, and that means it’s time for new toys characters! But will Megatron use this as a chance to attack the Maximals? Just where are these ships crashed anyway? And can we get a No-Prize for explaining why there’s a white tiger living in the Arctic? Join us as we watch Beast Wars episode 7, Fallen Comrades!

Stasis Pod Episode 06: Power Surge

When Terrorsaur gets supercharged from a floating energon deposit, will he take the time to test the limits of his new power and devise a proper plan for overthrowing Megatron? Of course not! Join the crew of Stasis Pod as we discuss episode 6 of Beast Wars, Power Surge!

Stasis Pod Episode 05: Chain of Command

The beginning of what will become the Vok meta-plot! When Optimus Primal is seemingly destroyed by a strange alien probe, who will lead the Maximals? Will Megatron use his newfound numerical advantage to take out the Axalon? And what 90s cultural zeitgeist is at play here? Join us as we watch Chain of Command!

Stasis Pod Episode 04: Equal Measures

Cheetor continues to ruin everything in the second half of the seemingly coincidental Cheetor Is A Dumbass two-parter! With an electrical storm on the horizon, Optimus Primal has ordered the Maximals to hold off on testing a new sensor array, but when has a direct order ever stopped Cheetor? When will Dinobot understand that the other Maximals aren’t going to just murder all the Predacons for him? And why did fans think the Predacon ship was called the Darksyde?

Got questions for us? Email us at stasispodcast@gmail.com and we might answer them on the show!

Stasis Pod Episode 02: Beast Wars Part 2

We’re back! Join us as we watch the second part of the two-part series pilot, creatively titled “Beast Wars Part 2”. Who will win as Dinobot challenges Optimus Primal? How will they fill up the rest of the episode? Will Trixter spoil stuff that doesn’t happen for like 33 more episodes? Will Cheetor ever figure out how to pronounce his own name?

Stasis Pod: The Beast Wars Podcast Episode 01

In Episode 01 we take a look at the first part of the pilot episode on the anniversary of its first syndicated airing. How well has the show aged? How did the fandom react to it? What fun production trivia does Trix remember from long-ago BotCons? Just how awesome can Rob’s voice be?

Stasis Pod: The Beast Wars Podcast Episode 00

In Episode 00 we discus where Transformers as a franchise was in the waning days of Generation 2 (spoilers: in the gutter) and where we all were when everything changed from Trukk to Munky.

Introducing Stasis Pod: The Beast Wars Podcast!

We here at Iacon Underground do like things other than just More Than Meets The Eye. Every Wednesday, four of us – Trixter (Jen), awa64 (Alex), strangefour (David), and Rob – are getting together for a new podcast that discusses every episode of the groundbreaking Beast Wars TV series! In Episode 00 we discus where Transformers …

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TFCC Shows Off Mock-Up Pics of Thrustinator

More news on the Transformers Figure Subscription Service front today as Fun Publications has posted mock-up picks of “Thrustinator”, the BW Waspinator/BM Thrust mash-up who debuted in comic preview pages yesterday. Rather than being any sort of extensive remold of a newer Waspinator figure (the resources for which are generally out of bounds for club …

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